Monday, 21 October 2013

Make Cool Cash From facebook

Do you know that you can actually make cool cash on social networks by simply posting or updating your status? This is something most people fail to notice. I am sure you will be smiling after reading this post.
I will be enlighten us on some kind of important topic that will blow your mind about  Facebook. Ideally so many people believe that facebook is a place to socialize and meet new friends which they are correct about it. Atleast with facebook app install on your Android, blackberry, iPhone/iPad you can keep yourself all day busy.

There is so many secrets a lot of people don’t know about facebook aside of socially networking people and advertising.

I know your eyeballs are already fastened to your device screen to read what’s going to be next…

There are so many ways of Earning on twitter & facebook but I’ll only share one because I don’t want this tutorial to be too long.  is one of the growing advertising company in Nigeria, they allow bloggers to earn money via ads placement. But if you are not a blogger but you have facebook account or twitter account, you can make hell of money from what I’m about to show you.

How is this possible/
1. Login to and sign up
2. Click on social media promoter
3.  Click on Social Ads
4. You’ll see Facebook and Twitter social network. This means that you can tweet the advertisers ads on your twitter or facebook account.
5. just copy the links you see there and paste it on your wall or status update then expect your friends to do the magic of clicking and watch your earning grow with time.

Mind you the higher your friends on FB or twitter, the higher your earnings.

At the end of the month, your accumulated earnings will be sent to you. There is more to Facebook 
and Twitter than just updating your status and expecting people to like it or drop their opinion about 
what they think but I’ll stop here.

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